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IAABC Foundation

Image: IAABC Foundation

Canine Social Behavior





Course Dates:

Oct 20, 2025 - Nov 24, 2025


Dr. Camille Ward MS, PhD, CAAB

Dr. Camille Ward is the President and founder of About Dogs LLC, where she specializes in behavioral consultations for the prevention, modification, and management of canine behavior problems. Her philosophy stresses relationship building and working from the dog’s point of view. Dr. Ward received her Ph.D. from the University of Michigan studying cognition and the development of social behavior in domestic dogs. In addition to her work on dogs, she also conducted behavior studies on crows, primates, and fish. She received her certification through the Animal Behavior Society as a Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist (CAAB). Dr. Ward has lectured nationally and internationally at scientific and dog training conferences on canine behavior. She has published on animal behavior in a variety of scientific academic journals, and her work has been featured on MSNBC, in Cosmopolitan magazine, and in the Bark. She has also taught animal behavior to undergraduate students at the University of Michigan, and she designed and taught a seminar called Dog Cognition, Behavior and Welfare. She recently published a paper entitled: “Greeting Behavior between Dogs at a Dog Park” in the journal, Pet Behaviour Science. She also co-hosted a symposium on “Comparative Canine Behavior” at the 53rd Annual Conference of the Animal Behavior Society. The symposium was the first academic forum for canine behavior research in North America and included invited speakers from around the world to present their research on the behavior and cognition of both domestic dogs and wild canids. Dr. Ward is on the Advisory Group of Dr. Marty Becker’s Fear Free Initiative, where the emphasis is on the emotional well-being of dogs during veterinary visits, grooming procedures, when working with trainers, and more. She also worked as an Animal Behaviorist for the ASPCA’s Anti-Cruelty Team, working with other professionals on the rehabilitation of dogs rescued from fighting, hoarding, puppy mills, and other forms of abuse.

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Online Meetings:

Mondays at 1pm Eastern Time (U.S.), beginning October 27


Closes Oct 26, 2025

This course will teach you about canine communication, play, greetings, conflict resolution behaviors, and puppy social development. Dig into the science of canine social behavior, with an emphasis on dog-to-dog social interactions. Veterinarians, behavior consultants, trainers, groomers, kennel staff, shelter workers, day care staff, pet sitters, dog walkers, and keen guardians will all benefit from this course.
This course will help you:
  • Explain the importance of social relationships between dogs from a scientific perspective
  • Accurately interpret body language in dogs and understand how body language is linked to emotional states and communication
  • Describe and understand the stages of puppy development and how development can affect adult behaviors, including the development of problem behaviors
  • Recognize and interpret play and greeting behaviors in dogs
  • Describe the functions of conflict and reconciliation behaviors in dogs

  • Meetings are not recorded
  • Meetings begin 1 week after course opens
  • Meetings are 1 hour in duration
  • There are 5 meetings for this course



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12.5 (CBCC-KA and CPDT-KA)







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